Facial Hair

One of our most sought after areas for hair removal

Facial hair removal is our specialty

The most common area of hair removal and one that is a big concern for many women is unwanted facial hair. And it’s a treatment that we at Epilase are known for and are experts at. 

Possible causes of facial hair

Genetically we are born with a predisposed number of hair follicles, and the genes play an important role in determining hair density, texture and thickness.

The most common cause of unwanted excess hair is hormonal imbalance, whether it’s due to pregnancy, menopause, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), or a number of other changes that wreak havoc on the body.


This imbalance is caused by an increase in androgens or male hormones like testosterone, which all women naturally produce. The problem begins when the balance between the female and male hormones is tipped towards the latter, causing the body to produce excess hair on the face and body.

In addition, some medications and factors such as stress, diet and age can also cause unwanted hair growth, as well as some temporary hair removal methods that can stimulate or accelerate hair growth.

Polycystic Ovarian syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or better known as PCOS is a term that we are hearing quite often during our consultations. Many of our clients that come to us concerned with excess facial hair growth are often diagnosed with PCOS by their physician.

PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disorders in reproductive age women. Women with PCOS often notice abnormal periods, acne, difficulty getting pregnant, or hirsutism -coarse, dark hair growth on the face and some areas of the body.

Like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, a long-recognised common feature of PCOS is insulin resistance and having high levels of insulin circulating in the blood (hyperinsulinemia). High levels can stimulate the production of androgens, which then bring about many of the symptoms of PCOS, one being excess hair growth.

Treatment and management of PCOS

The cause of PCOS is unknown, however blood tests almost always show insulin resistance and a higher level of testosterone levels in women. Women with PCOS are typically treated with a cocktail of drugs: birth control pills, medications to stop the male pattern hair growth ie facial hair, diabetes drug metformin to lower blood sugar. These may help in the short term, however they are a band-aid solution.

A long term solution and a more holistic way to manage PCOS is to make changes to your lifestyle and diet.

At Epilase, we liaise with a professional health coach that offers a holistic approach to dietary changes that may help with symptoms associated with PCOS.

To find out more, please speak with one of our clinicians for further information.


If you would like to further your knowledge and really understand pcos and ways to manage it, here are some great links/ videos that will give you guidance.


these links are purely for your own interest and knowlede and as a helpful guide. You should still be seeking medical attention from a physician that may lead to further testing to find out the root cause of pcos.

Our treatment methods for facial hair removal

Whether the cause of unwanted facial hair is genetic or hormone related, we understand the emotional toll it may have on one’s self confidence.

The two treatment modalities that we work with to treat and manage excess hair growth are Lasers and Electrolysis.

After a thorough assessment and consultation, based on your history and hair type, we will tailor a treatment plan that best suits your individual concern/s.

As experienced clinicians with decades of clinical experience, we can confidently recommend the most effective treatment modality (Laser or Electrolysis) best suited for your individual concern.

We base our recommendation on your hair and skin type, hair colour, area of treatment and your medical history.

The best of both worlds

At Epilase we have the advantage of working with both Laser and/ or Electrolysis to target most hair types and hair colours. This sets us apart from many hair removal clinics that offer just one or the other.

Areas of concern may be treated using just Laser or working with Electrolysis alone. However, when required, a combination of both Laser and electrolysis are used together that offers some amazing results.

Treating facial hair with Lasers

Most people that have concerns with facial hair only want treatment with Electrolysis as it is known for its permanency.

Whilst electrolysis is a popular treatment method for facial hair removal, it can be a slower process in comparison to Lasers. With the right hair type and colour, Lasers can be an excellent modality in reducing the bulk of the hair and even clearing the majority over a period of time.

Treatment area, colour and the type of hair are what determines whether treatments are more suitable with Laser or electrolysis. This will be discussed in greater detail during your consultation.

What about facial hair stimulation with Lasers

Treatment of unwanted facial hair with Lasers or light based treatments can be tricky due to the risk of stimulating other surrounding dormant or vellus (soft) hair follicles.

At times, we have young women who have had treatments elsewhere come to us to “fix” the stimulated hair issue with electrolysis, as they are too afraid to go near a laser again.

Often enough, the problem isn’t so much to do with the Laser system but more so the experience of the Clinician and how the treatment is performed.

To achieve the best possible result and avoid the risk of stimulation, our clinicians are confident in knowing the type of hair to treat and the type to avoid. Not only that, we work with the most accurate Laser parameters i.e. wavelength, pulse duration and energy output suitable for every individual’s unique hair and skin.

It is our duty of care and obligation to provide you with our honest advice in letting you know what type of hair we can treat to get the best possible result, and what hair to avoid to minimise the risk of stimulation.

Our clients experience

“Like many other women, one day I walked into a chain laser clinic in Melbourne to have dark hair on my upper lip and side burn area treated with laser. Every session I had at this clinic, the employees there would tell me “we could treat your full face for an extra $ amount” and so I thought yeah okay why not.
Six months later, I had a near full grown beard from ear to ear. What happened? Paradoxical hair growth. Caused by a combined lack of education and/or care factor in the employees that worked at this clinic. Because areas of my face did not have hair already growing there, the laser actually stimulated growth.
For 12 months I sought help from a separate clinic who followed what is well appreciated as the treatment for Paradoxical hair growth – continued laser with the correct machine and appropriate setting. This unfortunately did not work for me.
This is when I found Epilase. I began electrolysis immediately with Huma and Angela who told me it would be a long road, but that this method of hair removal is permanent and I could expect to see significant improvements.
One month in, my facial hair is less thick, more sparse and the treatment is working. I am still incredibly self conscious however this is the first time in over 2 years I see light at the end of the tunnel.
I write and share this in hopes of supporting other women who have experienced paradoxical hair growth/laser stimulated hair growth with the knowledge that there is a solution.
It is a financial and time intensive commitment. But it works. The team at Epilase are incredibly experienced, and share only realistic expectations with clients.
This is what I respect most about them. I am incredibly grateful and excited to see where I can get to in my hair removal journey with Epilase.”
Shinae Tobin

Seeing results take time

Working with both Laser and Electrolysis will help to achieve results over time, however it is not instant and the time it takes for successful result depends on a number of factors

  • The cause of the hair growth such as hormonal changes in the body i.e. Puberty, pregnancy, menopause, certain medication
  • Any underlying medical conditions i.e. PCOS
  • Stages of hair growth i.e. active, transitional, dormant
  • Whether the body is still producing more hair
  • The quantity of hair to be treated
  • Previous temporary methods of hair removal used (some can encourage hair growth e.g. tweezing



Have a question about facial hair?

We pride ourselves in taking the time to explain and provide you with all the information you may require in order to make an educated and informed decision about going further with your treatment/s with us.

Don’t hesitate to get in contact with us